Comments : An eerie

  • 9 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Aww this is quite a touching poem Meme, I enjoyed this. I felt like I was being told a little story of a relationship between 2 people, and how the relationship changed, but taught you lessons and helped you to move on, be stronger, let go, and accept new love again.

    When you mention looking back and feeling nothing, that is so powerful, it shows exactly how far you have moved on, I also like the mystery that the ex is perhaps not as moved on as you, perhaps he still clings or shows longing for the past again. But in the end you wish them the best, happiness and love.

    If I am really honest, I am not a fan of the title? I think there could be a much better choice, more fitting and eye catching. To me, an eeire just implies you have missed you a word, like an eerie love, eeire lesson, eerie closure, etc.

    Enjoyed this, nice to see your work again, I always enjoy reading your poems!