Comments : Just Fine Without You

  • 8 years ago

    by Em


    What an inspiring write because the people that do the domestic abuse are in need of feeling inferior someway or other. Domestic violence is a horrible truth and is happening to many men and women worldwide who are terrified to come forward and I am glad that you felt you could post such an inspirational piece on what happens afterwards.

    Take care, Em

  • 7 years ago

    by Kara Oneil


    Of everything I've ever wrote. This is my favorite poem.

    I write about a lot of sadness, because truthfully, there is a lot of sadness in my soul and writing helps to release some of it. I also force myself to return to very dark places that perhaps I would rather not go back by detailing something so unspoken in an attempt to make an impact in various ways.

    However, I'm filled with much more happiness than grief and I feel stronger, more empowered,and free than I ever have in my life.

    I've been comtemplating how to better tie this poem in with Interminable Plight. They seem to conflict each other, however they're both truly how I feel. But I have yet to come up with the words to elaborate more on how they co-exist. If that makes sense.

    But I'm working on the finishing touches of a couple more inspirational poems and I'm glad you enjoyed it and thank you so much for your incredible words, feedback, and suppot.

    With gratitude,