Comments : To the white woman with the big heart

  • 8 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    If I were you, Yakari, I would be immensely proud of my heritage - you should be - and damn everyone else. If your pic is anything to go by, you are a beautiful young woman and if your poetry is anything to go by, you have steel and fire in you that are to be commended. Take all of that with you through life, embrace EVERY part of you and walk tall.
    A really personal and powerful piece that highlights the world's ignorance.
    Take care and all the best.

  • 8 years ago

    by Em

    They say ignorance is bliss but is it really?

    This is a very personal and a gripping piece that I enjoyed reading. As Ben said you are a beautiful lady and have a fire in your heart that shines through in your poetry.

    Take care, Em