Comments : I love you

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    Aliesha, this is a very sad tale of love. Love (I feel) is anything you make it but most of all it is honesty and trust.

    1: This is a powerful opening and none of us know exactly how 'love' is going to go so we have to take the leap of faith even if it ends up failing miserably but now else can we learn?

    2: When our relationships end we always wonder how we can live without them, how we can sleep without them etc etc but eventually we can and we do with our inner strength and we move onwards and upwards thats for sure.

    3: We can never forget what's been said because words hurt more than anything else which means our minds are always on the go about what's happened even if it's in the back of our minds.

    4: Once things are said we can never take them back.

    5: When we have been hurt we keep pit feelings locked away until we feel someone is worthy of unlocking them, I do like this part, it's my favourite.

    This is a great piece with unforced rhyme
    All the best, Em