Comments : Misoneism

  • 7 years ago

    by Em

    Aegis, this is yet another intriguing and unique write by you which is what I love about your poetry.

    I must admit I had to look up the word misoneism and came up with the definition of 'a hatred of new things or change'

    1/ The opening line links back to the title that you are thirty for routine this dislike change and many of us do. The imagery of you being so set in your ways that even though you step into cement (which I think mirrors your thirst for routine) you welcome it because at least then things will not change though people around you may is a good one. The bar has well and truly for familiarity and consistency and I too do not like change or little of it. I also like the imagery of turning statue like Stonehenge, beautiful.

    2/ This is a little sad because you are eroding and cracks are beginning to show because of the wind which I feel could be people who say horrible things to you or about you or just things you have seen.

    3/ Absolutely loved this ending.
    Well done on yet another fantastic write.

    Also, I don't know how this has gone under the radar.

  • 7 years ago

    by Brenda

    I really do love the way you write-so much food for thought. I think we all have some sort of love/hate with change. I too am not a big fan of change, I like my routine, the sameness is comforting. Your entire perspective and turning into stone as you age-amazing.