Comments : Imprinted by Blood

  • 6 years ago

    by Ben Pickard

    I can relate to this as I was having a similar conversation with my wife the other day: we are all to blame for the horrors of the world, and yet we are helpless against them, I fear, simply because - as you so rightly say - these things are 'imprinted by blood'. If everyone has blame than perhaps we are all blameless...just animals acting out our base instincts. Sorry, I've gone off on a ramble...

    Take care,


  • 6 years ago

    by Lucifer

    I agree war is ugly.
    One of my friend is in the army and he tells stories about his experience in the war zone.
    He says how proud he feels to fight for his country, But he also tells that he hears screams of the innocent died during those battles.
    War is the ugliest thing.