Comments : Lost and Confused!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kristina

    thats a really good poem keep it up!

  • 19 years ago

    by Cara

    I can read your stupid poems if i want and iam sure not jealous of you why would i be?? theres no reason to anyway and i dont care if u flirt with mat cuz i kno he doesnt like u one bit
    no guy does and if one does hes either ugly or a dork like u and i kno that u didnt care that trent died and that i lost him u never acted like it so stop lieing to yourself you'll never understand how iam feelings and i guess u dont care either but thats ok i dont mind that u dont care about me anymore u can go on living your life in your on little world i kno now that u didnt care about i felt when trent left me or anything like that stop you should really stop acting like u did and if u dont want me to read your poems dont read mine dont look at me dont walk by me dont act like u ever cared u sams not my new best friend she has always been my best friend and you never really tried hard to be there for me or be my bestes friend u say what u want if you really dont care about me than dont talk about me gone live your life have fun get new friends that i guess will be better then me that ok iam going to be alright ya iam going to be sad for awhile cuz trents not with me anymore but other then that i think ill be fine so have the time of your life without me maybe so day ill will learn that i did something wrong in my past but memories last forever bye jennie