Comments : I HATE

  • 19 years ago

    by Jennifer Fox or Jackson

    I love you Cara because your my best friend...I love you Cara and I am glad our friendship didn't have to end...I love you Cara because I truely care...I love you Cara and I want to be there...I love you Cara and I know that you really hurt...I love you Cara and I am sorry if I treated you like dirt...I love you Cara because you are my whole heart...I love you Cara and I don't ever want us to grow apart...I love you Cara and I want to hear about everything you feel...I love you Cara and I am sorry this nightmare had to be real...I love you Cara because I feel like God sent me an angel...I love you Cara because you are apart of my soul...I love you Cara and I try my hardest to show I care...I love you Cara and I am sorry when sometimes I am unable to be there...I LOVE YOU CARA FOR EVERY REASON IN THIS WORLD, I love you Cara most of all because you are Cara and you are special to me!!!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Gracie Jo

    I'm sorry about your loss Cara... that's so horrible and sad. But hun, I know it's hard to keep your head up, but you just gotta try to do that and believe that God has a plan for your life - even though it may seem otherwise right now. I know losing people you love is never a great time in anyone's life, and I don't envy the position you're in at all. I wish I could do more for you, I am truly sorry and will be keeping you in my prayers!!! Please take care of yourself and if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to then send me an e-mail... okay? Once again, I'm sorry about your loss...


  • 19 years ago

    by Cara

    Dont listen too her all your comments help alot shes just trying me make me feel bad and she has no Right doing that thank-you to those that right things that are nice

  • 19 years ago

    by Nicholas

    I just had a similar problem with my fiance. She's now long gone with some other man but... it still hurts like hell. Thanks for showing me I'm not the only one that has experienced that.