Comments : Leaving Behind Trials and Tribulations (Crimson Cries)

  • no, i would have, beacuse its true, I see way too many plagerized poems and quotes on here. Plus, even before you sumbmit the poem the rules say that you have to be the author of the poem. Second of all, why are you leaving this comment on my poem?

  • i don't why this is only rated 4.0, because this is an amazing poem. please never stop writing, and please seek out a way to let the whole world read your writing. im sure any publisher would be glad to print your work. weldone, i will always be reading x x x x

  • 19 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    hmm, very good. Normally I am a pretty good critiquer (sp?) when it comes to poems, but this one was hard to critique. Meh, I give up. Don't worry, I'll read more and find something ;-). I liked this poem, especially because it was descriptive and had long sentences. Sometimes people don't realize that long sentences help create a more standardized rhythm, and allow for more rhymes to be made without sounding corny (not that this poem rhymed, I was just ranting). Good work.

  • 19 years ago

    by Leah20

    I really like this, I can relate to it. Keep it up!