Comments : Sorrow of the Heavens

  • 19 years ago

    by pinkalias

    So lovely. Short, but sadly wonderful. I just love your symbols, (in all your pieces) you really know how to put them together into something absolutly beautiful. And the meaning behind this poem made it even more lovely, the fact that you dedicated to your wife really touched me, and I'm sure if shes seen it she is deeply touched as well. I really admired the lines,
    "cascades a mounting hiss
    about leaf and green"
    and I also was touched by the last symbol, "the crying sky" I was reall impacted by that, (don't know why)

    *your wife must be an incredible person to have inspired something so lovely*

    Short, but well done

  • 19 years ago

    by Elizabeth Ann

    As pinkalias said, your symbolism is very clever.
    You paint a picture while telling a story in as much as these eight lines.