Comments : The Piano Player

  • 19 years ago

    by Aken Sol

    i liked it. Drew alot of images. I saw a lone piano player i know playing on a grad while volcanos in the background exploded and the eath shifted around. Yet, he kept playing. I know that has nothing to do with your poem whatsoever, but i like dit :-D

    Aken Sol

  • 19 years ago

    by pinkalias

    I don't know why this hasn't gotten more praise, it definetly deserves it.

    Fantastic. Music is the only thing in my life powerful enough to ignite passion and emotion, and you definetly defined that feeling. Your text choice was wisely done and created a very powerful understanding of the sound and passion created through the instrument.
    "And so it comes cascading
    downward toward the earth
    in an ephemeral wave
    of pounding sound."
    I would quote more lines that I admired but there are too many
    I love how you portrayed the different outlooks of comparison, going from brilliantly stated color schemes to violent blows on the keys. Excellent job, detailed and flowing with a passioniat appreciation for the music.

  • 17 years ago

    by Darien

    Very nice imagery you created here. I'm use to the stanza format, because it has more control of the flow of the poem. But since this one is a bit old, I'll forgive you for it. Lol.
    I'm a piano player myself, so this poem caught my eye, and it delivered well.

  • 17 years ago

    by Natalie

    Hmm. I'm trying to make my comments not suck. But it's hard..

    I thought the way you opened the poem was really good. And, the way you ended it. I thought that you chose really good wording for this one aswell. All I can really say is that these are still pretty good, compared to some of my old poems. Lol.. =) 5/5

    `Taleee. xx.