Comments : As Sin We Shall Embrace

  • 19 years ago

    by pinkalias

    Fantastic. Your text and usual style is there and the ongoing beauty that you present in it is flawless. the imegries you display through the piece are, as usual, beautifully written to an extent that entraps the reader in a sense of a fantasy-like atmosphere, and the vanity and ignorance that you provide to the narrator is worked into thorough detail and understanding,
    "dance where I run and fly while I feast. My tastes and my dress are as eccentric when I’ve time, and I’m master of those arts while I gloat…thus in my arrogance I am forever."
    Beautiful job, excellent

  • 19 years ago

    by FallenxStar

    thats great, i love it!

  • 19 years ago

    by Victoria

    Very deep poem but amazing a very good write!!

    take care

  • 19 years ago

    by FTS Miles

    Lovely! So many images beautifully worded:

    "I dance where I run and fly while I feast. My tastes and my dress are as eccentric when I’ve time, and I’m master of those arts while I gloat…"

    "Our sling shot fancy inside our circle to comfort with our cigars, where moving lights to break us of our feed has fasted"

    Vivid lines. And this one: "We are immortal and as sin we shall embrace, and where the crawling darkness exceeds we are aloft." Definitely a wonderful, seductive line.

    But I definitely love the simplicity of darkness connoted in "Wicked as this way comes."

  • 19 years ago

    by Elizabeth Ann

    I adore how you tell me which lines you favored, it doubles my pride.
    And I would love to take full credit for that last line, but the line comes from a title created by Poppy C Bright ((sp?.