Comments : Thoughts in the Rain

  • 19 years ago

    by Barbara Jean

    im curious, whats the story behind this poem? what made you write it?? i liked it. speciall this part:No good can become when there be no bad.
    i enjoyed it. very interesting.

  • 19 years ago

    by Mollie

    theres no real story behind it, i was coming home from a consert on the bus one night and it was raining and i just let my thoughts run loose and those where some of the things that went through my head, it was sposed to be a poem to just let ur mind run on but with a hint of mixed feelings a have about some stuff going on like wars and stuff and what the big guy upstairs thinks bout it lol but then again u can't know happiness until u know sorrow i guess is kinda what the poems saying...i donno it says alot of different things to tell ya the truth. but thanks for the coment
    ~the writer