Comments : I Want to Get Lost

  • 19 years ago

    by SavannahSurrender

    very good. You have talent, i like that. Nice job. 5/5.

    much love

  • 18 years ago

    by BrokenMisery

    Thats some good stuff, written wth a lot of emotion, i may be younger than you, but i know what its like to go through depression and having to deal with parents and so many other problems, its bloody difficult, but i wish you best of luck and to stay strong, hopefully one day it will all be ok..
    luv kt

  • 18 years ago

    by Robyn Park

    "What has happened?
    Why do I feel this way?
    Where did these feelings come from?
    How did I let them in?"

    The repitition of this stanza was excellent and portrayed how most of us feel sometimes. Not many of us know how we got this way, or what happened to let us turn out this way. You explained it and worded it perfectly.

    "I just want to get lost,
    In a dream world.
    Where I don't have to deal,
    With all of this shit.
    Where I can be stupid,
    And forget everything....."

    However, this last stanza was the best of the poem. Except, where you say, "Where I can be stupid." I don't know if thats the word that you wanted to use, but to me it seems like it doesn't fit. When I saw it I instantly thought, "no, it should be, 'where I can be me, or myself.'" Again, just my opinion. (And I'm not saying you're stupid, thats just what popped into my head as I was reading it)

    Anyway, this poem was incredible. Kudos.