Thank you

by Escence   May 26, 2005

Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most.
Thank you for giving me life.
If it wasn't for you I wouldn't be who I am today.
Thank you for caring so much.Thank you for still believing in me.When everyone else gave up on me you two still believed in me.
You two encouraged me to do the right thing.
When I made the stupid choices that I made.
Thank you for everything you did to make me the person that am today.
I know I'm not the lil girl you wanted be to be but I'm growin up.
And because of you two I am growin up into a young woman.
For all of what you did I wanna say thank you and I love you

This poem is for my parents.
I wrote this poem while I was in a group home.It is about my parents,I wanted them to know how much I loved them


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