Comments : I know you hate me

  • 18 years ago

    by Shantell

    I know what you mean. SOmetimes you forget that parents where once teenagers. They also made mistakes. Sometimes its as if they never did and its the worse thing when you make one. You feel as if you let them down and tore their life apart. Remeber when you fall down just get back up.

    Feel free to read my poem ALL OF ME

  • 18 years ago

    by LonelyNightsHurt

    what did u try??? dont tell me...u lil...neway dats good gurl but u KNOW it AINT tru dont ya...

  • Hey, this is incerdibly honest, i really like that when people are honest in their poems and don't try to make stuff up.
    XxXxX Cici XxXxX