Comments : Times fall and repeat, repeat.

  • 18 years ago

    by Dorotea©

    This poem started off wonderfully. With the first lines, I was already totally absorbed in it. The repetition of some of the words gave this poem a feeling of importance. Good job.

    The ending, I think, came a little too abruptly. With the words, "that's all you'll ever do," I guess I kind of fell out of the plot. If you took out the last stanza, it could be better, but other than that it's a very nice poem. And, of course, you and/or others might like it better with the last stanza. Either way, I like this poem.

  • 18 years ago

    by Shædow Poet

    The repitition of "fallen" gave me the feeling of a long, never-ending sensation of plumiting into nothingness. You used it realy well to this poems advantage. I don't know why, but I loved the word "tenderly" in this poem. "tenderly" "tiptoes" "tread"; whether it was on purpose or not, the alliteration in that sentence rolled off the tongue splendidly.
    I liked this poem very much.