Comments : Crimson....

  • 18 years ago

    by Alyssa

    Hey this is a really good poem. If you want you can vote on my poems thx.

  • 18 years ago

    by Katie Stice

    you are a very good poet .....keep up tha good job

  • 18 years ago

    by Katie Stice

    you are a good poet too

  • 18 years ago

    by Morgan

    i read this and i thought....oh God i hope its not another badly written poem about guy she never had. everytime i read sad poems, they arent very good and not a lot of emotion. although a lot of people go through what you talk of in your poem (me as well), yours was, in some strange way, very unique. i couldn't pin point it, but it was better than a lot of the people that submit their poems here. since you are only 12 years old, i realize you probably havent been writing for long and i can see that about your writing-but dont take that as a "diss", because I'm 16 and have only been writing for...5 years, I believe. It seems you have the passion for it, even if you are just starting out. you will become stronger with your writing and I look forward to reading more. If you have time, you can read some of mine and tell me what you think. Keep up the great job.