Comments : Prayers of an Atheist

  • 18 years ago

    by Truest Lies


    well, my own side of view on this is that God is testing us. I have a belief, even if it seems an almost hopeless one, that we will be repaid for our suffering, that all the pain will mean so much hapiness at the end.
    That's just me.

    //Truest Lies//

  • 18 years ago

    by kiesha

    I know you said this wasn't true, but are you an athiest? I find it interesting, because I happen to not only be Christian, but I'm the daughter of a pastor and plan on going into ministry myself. I'm not knocking the poem in any way, I thought it was very good. I think it's natural that we question God. Sometimes it seems like he's not there, but he really is. I think he's there carrying you through the bad times, helping you make it through. That, and he works through other people. Also, I think God does answer prayers, just not with a direct "yes" or "no" answer, or not in the way we want him to. Anyway, I'm not trying to preach to you or anything. I hope that you find your faith. I know that God hasn't given up on you yet. Take care, and keep writing. Your stuff is really good.

  • 18 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    Even though I am a Christian, I'm not very "religious". I'm more spiritual. But besides the point, I think your poem is very relevant. I can certainly relate to it. I'm not here to try and convert you or anything, and you might not even care what I have to say, but I just wanted to say that God does care, but sometimes there is nothing He can do because people don't LET Him. That sounds strange because God is ominiscent and everything is possible through Him, but at the same time we can't expect Him to do everything. We have to open our hearts and let Him in, and give Him permission to work in our lives. God LOVES You. I'm sure you've heard that before and it may be a cliche, but it's true.
    Anyways, thats all I have to say for now... I didn't mean to preach, I just felt like thats what I had to say lol. I don't know everything, but if you have any other questions, don't be afraid to ask me and I will try my best to answer. :)
    Take Care and God Bless,

  • 18 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    Other than what I said, however. I really did like this poem! It was very well written and you express yourself so well. I hope to read more of your work, and I give this poem a 5

  • 17 years ago

    by MemoirsOfMe

    This expressed some of what I believe. And to a question up top, "If you don't believe in God, then why'd you be praying to him?" I think its just a mental thing. You talk to him even though you don't think he exists. I am Athiest, and I started being Athiest when I started going through alot of bad things. The Bible said so many things, like I would have everlasting life, and I would recieve great things if I praised. I never got them. But thats not what I base Athiest Religion on, because I found out so much more that God isn't real. But anyway, stopping me ramble, it was very true. I hope you don't get alot of Hate-E-Mail. Because its the same as people preaching how God is up there, you know? Athiests or Satainists don't go around posting hate comments that God isn't real on their poems. But this was beautiful! Great poem structure. Nice.

  • 17 years ago

    by Untamed

    Excellent Poem, i respect your thoughts. Sometimes we feel that way about God but at the end, we beleive in him no matter what.

  • 17 years ago

    by Ash

    I think its good....
    although i am chrstian and love God...
    i think that its sorta dissapointing,....
    buuut the reason why he probably was
    'never there' was because the lack of faith.
    if your atheist, how would you expect God to come when YOU neeed him
    when you are never there to love him.
    if you want him to help you
    you have to show love to him..
    you cant just get what you want
    by ignoring God (when you dont even belive in him)
    and when you only NEED something
    you go crying to him....
    do you get what i mean??
    anyways..i still think you have talent
    and youre a good writer =]

  • 17 years ago

    by Kurt

    I'm not a devoted religious person so it is easy for me to say that God isn't there, however, I feel that he seems to help in more subtle ways. (Not a knock on the poem mind you.) I thought it was well written and structured and you did a very good job. It seems to me that too many people want God to walk in and fix every problem. Well it would be great but we'd never learn anything. Preaching to the choir I assume. Considering this is random banter in a comment box for a good poem...

  • 17 years ago

    by Batman

    Hey Hun...If you wouldnt mind. Email me, i want to know more about your thoughts on god and a ''higher power.'' It sounds very interesting...maybe i can help you out.

  • 17 years ago

    by Lovesick 4 Jesus

    .WOW. My heart most definately cries for you. Sweetie he wants to be here for you. He wants to love you and hold you and call you his. You are his precious creation. He created you from the inside out. He has SUCH an amazing plan for you. I can feel it. The pain you are going through is to strengthen you. I know you've probably heard that over and over again but its SO true. When you come to him. Not saying "God you say to pray so answer me" He will fill you up. You have to believe that he can do it. Believe that he is powerful and amazing. LOVE HIM FOR HIM. And he will never leave you. And even when you dont. he's there. Crying for your soul. he wants you sweetie
