Comments : When it spills...(part two-his side)

  • 18 years ago

    by Fabbon

    I don't know what this person above me is thinking but I believe this poem is very clear-cut (pardon the pun). I suppose reading a poem of this sort requires some experience or at least some knowledge of SI but nonetheless, the mention of razors makes it quite clear to even the dullest of minds. Excuse me if I seem a little brash but my point-of-view comes a year spent tearing apart every vowel of some less-than-great poets such as Robert Frost (please excuse me again, I very much dislike simplicity and rhymes). Either way, because I attended a course of that type, I now understand that poetry is not a billboard, but rather a series of hints. If you believe that poetry requires no thought, you my friend need to take a refresher course in Freshman English because only a fool would expect a walkthrough for every piece of poetry.

    Anyways, back to the poem. Excellent job but I will admit, it seems to jump around a bit towards the end. The subject of your poems seems to change from a significant other to a paternal figure. But I do rather enjoy the use of sadomasochistic images. ^_^ 4/5

  • 18 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    This is a tad confusing, maybe an explaination at the bottom would help. I think I get it though...I believe it's something along the lines the of this boy you speak to broke up with this girl you mention, and this girl commit suicide? thus making the boy sad and making him be a cutter? I'm not sure, that's what I got from it, at least I got something though. Well written, makes you think. I like it. 5/5 xoxoxox
