Comments : Lost Girl

  • 18 years ago

    by Fact and Fiction

    Omg its really weird that i no exactly what your going threw. Heres my story... I thought i had this really great boyfriend named Juan and i really liked him and he always would tell me he loved me and look into my eyes after we kissed. I remember telling him that it was impossible that he loved me, and i guess that was true. Threw out my relationship with him i heard some stuff about him cheating on me and when i confronted him he said nothing happened so naturally i believed him. Just a couple days ago i found out that some girl named stephanie gave him head while i was going out with him. Now juan wants to go out with this girl Hillary so he can use her basically he just wants to have sex with her. I dont no what to do either. I miss him and i want to be with him but he cheated on me and lied about doing it and im 100% positive he did. If you have any advice for me either please contact me...

  • 18 years ago

    by Marine Wife

    excellent poem..i can relate to it.. keep it up