Comments : Heartless Fate (Nonet)

  • 18 years ago

    by EoB

    THe first thing I noticed was that the first line lacks one syllable, and that it says heatless instead of heartless in the seventh line...

    As for the poem, I like it...The message within it is well presented, and you manage to tell what you wish to tell in an interesting way...

    Despite it's nature as a nonet, it has a nice flow (i don`t usually like the flow within nonets), and the words fit well in...

    Every word contributes somehow, and nothing seems unecessary...

    good job

  • 18 years ago


    I'm loving the message and the style is great. I have about ten pages of partial nonets that I've attempted. I either begin them great and can't end it or I have a great ending and no beginning, it's crazy!
    EOB said it all, I have no further suggestions! Take care~Holly

  • 18 years ago

    by Steven Beesley

    Although the poem form does not allow a long poem, the message that the poem carried was very meaningful and more should read it.

    In my opinion you did a superb job!

    Warmest regards,
