Comments : 6 Years of Wondering

  • 18 years ago

    by Drew Gold

    This makes me infinitely sad on so many levels, as i really am 16 ;P i have been in a similar situation with a girl, weve been off and on for about 4 years(were currently 'off' lol) and we've been thru a lot of ups and downs, but we've always talked about how our love was more mature than us, and we would spend our lives together when we were older.. this brought about the harsh reality that i dont wanna face, that i may not even see her in my later life, or as in your case, we'll be incompatible.. i suppose for you the past is the past now, and you're over it, but for me it was pretty depressing. good read th0, and i noticed a few spelling errors, but they're minimal so ill leave the corrections out unless ud like me to point em out.. thanx for writing this.. 5/5 and sorry if i gotta lil personal and started talkin nonsense lol, it did strike a chord of my emotions most pieces dont.. pZ