Comments : You Did All This To Me...

  • 18 years ago

    by Jennifer Fox or Jackson

    Hey, i wanted to tell you that i liked your poem very much so...I went through almost the same exact thing before...i used to date this guy that i thought i was in love with him so i did anything and everything he asked me to because i wanted to make him happy...that was until my parents started putting a lockdown on me because they said he was no good for me and he was controlling my life...i didn't agree with them so instead of understanding their point of veiw i started sneaking out to see him as much as i could until one day i was caught and every since then my parents dont trust me anymore...i found out later that he was truely not who i thought he was...he had been cheating on me behind my back for who knows how many times with my best friend...hows that for something to remember the rest of my life...i lost him and my best friend in the same day...every since then i have been crushed and depressed...i just dont know how to love anymore or trust...i'm still in love with him and it sucks...and no one in my family trusts me the way they had...they watch my every move now...i'm not even aloud to go out and hang with world has crashed down all because of some stupid guy and the person i hate the worst is myself for letting it happen...well chat with you l8r, jen

  • 17 years ago

    by Renee Kotva

    Very heart wrenching and I can feel so many of your emotioms coming out. Thats good. And I totally understand everything from letting him control you to parents not trusting you to letting yourself down. I love how you still show your faith in God.
    God Bless

  • 14 years ago

    by DeepSoul

    I really liked this poem. I can relate, as can so many of us. You captured the frustration and anger very well in this piece. I especially love this part:

    Because your not worth my time anymore,
    and to be honest you never were
    I don't want anything to do with you,
    And yes, this time I am sure!

    It's so hard to make that FINAL cut cuz deep down you still love them and WANT to believe that they have or will change to be your man again. It's a hard thing to deal with in life. Mistrust, betrayel, heart broken, etc.. but it makes us stronger. The main thing that helped me with my ex was to remember that I am the leading lady in my own life, that I HAVE THE POWER.. NOT him! and I'm never going to let him have that power over me again. Not Physically, Mentally, or Emotionally. I'm done with his abuse, and my life is better now. Great poem. Made me think lots.