Comments : R.I.P. To Me

  • 18 years ago

    by Perfect Failure

    Hay ...
    omg ..ur heaps talanted....
    dw u will get thur it all n the otha side will be way betta then u expect!
    i hope to possibley read happyer poems from you
    lots of love
    keep righting..i love your work

  • 18 years ago

    by +Fouillis+

    Hey, that was truly amazing. i loved it and hated it at the same time. You write amazingly well. I feel for you hey. i no that i dont know you, but just by reading that, i feel as if i no enough to care about u... and i will worry about you, because tomoro is the day that you sed u would leave. Please, if you need to talk ever, i will be here to listen to you. maybe you could email me or sumfink, id really like to know how ur doin... (that is if you are still here, wich i hope very much u will be). my addy is, so if ever you feel like you want, or need to talk, i want to be there to listen. There are often times when i feel the same way, like life just aint worth it, but i somehow always manage to pull through. please, think about this... love lots, Em...xox

    Dont forget id love to listen...

  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa

    Deeply moving poem! it takes alot of courage to right a poem like that, esppecially when it si a reflection of yourself. it takes even more courage to publish it for the don't want to do it you know that otherwise you wouldn't have published the poem. you have the strength to pull through this. you are strong. use it. don't throw away the great person you could be. this is only one stage in your life. recognize that you can movin and begin another stage. we all luve you. you don't need to do this. you might not be christian but plz don't throw the life Jesus gave to you. it is precious and worth keeping. when life gets you down everyone who ahs posted a comment is here for you.

    lots a luv


    ( keep going, you can do it!!!!)

  • 18 years ago

    by Lisa

    P.s i don't know wat your feeling and i won't pretend to understand but plz without you the world is worse place.

    Jesus is always there for you. turn to him. he will save you.

    luv egor

  • 18 years ago

    by Namida

    Awww dont go...your such a great writer and lots of people care. Im glad you changed ur mind about it, and i hope you make many more friends

  • 18 years ago

    by Emotionless Riot

    STAY, STAY, STAY, STAY!!! YEAH BABY STAY!! You're life may be shit now but it will get SO much better. Hold on. In the words of Good Charlotte, "Hold on, if you feel like letting go, Hold on it gets better than you know." YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO THAT SONG!! It's really related to you.
    Check out my poems PLEASE!!
    Riot xxx

  • 18 years ago

    by Terri

    Hey i really like ur poem i relate 2 it alot but u hav 2 get though it. it may take awhile but 1 step at a time hey well i hope 2 c more of ur poems kk

  • 18 years ago

    by Lithium

    I'm glad u have decided to stay i know it hard well to much good luck with everything and great poem xox rc

  • 18 years ago

    by Sunshine

    Hey, I know someone who just committed suicide Sept. 18th, and please, I dont know you, but dont put everyone else through that pain. It hurts a lot, and there are people out there who do care about you. I know it says you have changed your mind, and I am happy for that. :D Take care and keep safe!!

  • 18 years ago

    by amy

    Your poem was really good. I cut mself too I know exactly how u feel but thats really good that ur stayin! luv ya!


  • 18 years ago

    by Tawnie

    Wow...I hope you never have to have those feelings again. That is terrible...I am here for you to talk to any time you need

  • 18 years ago

    by Shana

    I'm really gald you're not going to committe suicide. Stop all the drugs... stop all the cutting.. it doesnt do any good. I used to cut, but then I realized it does not good. You are so young. You have a whole life waiting for you. When you're sad, just look up and say HEY... Life is too short to be sad all the time... Start doing stuff.. Go out and have fun. Drugs and Alcohol are both bad choices.. I really liked your poem, but I didn't want you to actually do it. Someone caleld me when I was in the middle of your poem and I got off the phone to finish.. When I saw all this my eyes filled up. Man, it was so sad. I'm not going to try and offend you, or if you're already a Christian than thats cool. Just start praying.. it helped me... Im out of depressing.. It sucks, I havent been depressed in a while now. My depressed stage lated about 6-7 months... I really hope you'll be ok. If you wanna IM me or something then YAY! lol.. anyways AIM: HaverhillXzombie MSN:
    ^^ yeah ok woop. well hopefully talk to you later


    *HUG HUG*


  • 18 years ago

    by Shana


  • 18 years ago

    by Shana

    Dression* damnit... :( aw

  • 18 years ago

    by Shana

    HOLY SHIT, OK.. all the type o's just forget about it.. damn I cant type today.. ARGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Shannon

    Omg that is a good poem and im really sorry about all your going through but i used to slit my wrists and everything i tried to commit suicide many times by walkin in the middle of the road and i even just wanted to pick up a knife and just shove it through my stomache and end my life there but i thought do i really wanna i didnt i wanna live my life and meet new ppl spend my life with someone...its hard to deal with stuff like that i no i was molested by my brother and law my sister hates me and ppl in my family are dying and os many of my friends get beat and stuff and my other friend her two best friends killed themselves alot ppl suffer problems like yours and im truly sorry i am and i hope everything go good for you and even tho i dont no u it hurts me to see u do stuff like this to ur self it hurts me to see any one do it and before you do it again just think even ppl you odnt no care about you think before you act my mother always told me in tears as i write this...i still think about it sometimes....and yes i have depression to im on meds and everything and im in counseling but you know it kinda helps..i hope everything works out for you i really do...if you ever wanna talk or ne thing my sn is UstoleMYheart02 and my email is just incase you need ne one talk to and no one else is there!

  • 18 years ago

    by Kittie

    Oh thank god! Tina you scared alot of people, and I my self am so very happy that you have decided to stay! If you ever need anything and I mean anything I am here for you even though we don't know each other I am here for you always!!! Love ya Lots! stay strong and Live long

  • 18 years ago

    by Tasha

    Wow, this has to be one of the most beautifuly written poems ever. It is simply fantastic. I urge on your choice not to go through with it. For you will never know what you miss. Life can be a beautiful, but sometimes dark thing. I have been verbally, and physically abused. I still am sometimes. Most of my family is addicted to drugs, I lost my dad 3 years ago, he was an alcoholic, now my mom's fiance is living with us, and he is also an alcoholic. Yet I managed to pull through and I am standing here strong and proud, I am a recovered cutter. I managed to stop by myself, and life is better than ever. You have no idea how many people will miss you if you go through with taking your own life, you might not think so, but trust me. I do not know what YOU feel. I know what I feel, but not you. I have been in a similiar situation, though. I tried to kill myself with over 50 pills. But I talked to some good friends and told them what I did, they told me they cared so much. I made myself throw all the pills up. I will pray for you.

    God is with you, now and always. The door is unlocked, you just have to open it.

    --Take care, Tasha.

  • 18 years ago

    by SoMeb0dyDiFfeRenT

    Thats a really strong poem, it reaches out to unfortunately too many ppl. u need to hold on, grab tight, okay? u know that saying \"no more tears in heaven?\" i think its selfish because other ppl cry for u...i had a friend who commited suicide, it hurt me so much, i felt like killing myself, but i didnt, im doing much better, dont surrender to this world and all its problems. u hurt, i hurt, we all hurt, but we cant give up yet, if u dont email me or like comment on anything tomorrow or the days after...we\'ll know...ppl care for u, i mean i dont even know u , but i\'d cry ur left over tears...hold on baby..just hold on.

  • 18 years ago

    by Amy

    Oh my gosh! this is absolutely excellent! it is so moving and so emotional! keep up the good work and stay strong! im really glad that you are having second thoughts. its not worth it. i tried to kill myself, and my best friend talked some sense into me, saying how upset he would be. its best to stay in this life. :-)