• 18 years ago

    by flawed diamond

    I don't know what to say about this. It's so good that I can't put it into words. A lot of us ignore what we are blessed with so thank you for helping us realize it. You should really get this publishrd someday.

  • 18 years ago

    by Andrea

    Alot of people dont really take for granted(sp?) what God has givin us. We dont see it even tho its right in front of our faces. Im glad you wrote about this though. It really opened my eyes!

  • 18 years ago

    by InDePeNdEnT AnD BeAuTiFuL

    This is prob one of the best poems i have ever read.....its letting ppl know that wat they have si something they should be graetful for..i love this poem..u did a really great job....i hope to read more like this