Comments : Memories

  • 17 years ago

    by the simple girl

    Everyday I look at my life and see few things that make it worse. It is until I read something like what you have written, that make me feel lucky. I'm sorry for any pain that was ever conflicted upon you, just by reading your poetry, I can see that you didn't deserve it. I can tell that you will live a good life, always stand for what you believe in.

  • 17 years ago

    by Jamie Lorraine

    Did you really go through that? if you did i'm not going to give you pity b/c you seem like the type of guy that don't want it and defintly don't need it that is a great poem and really heartfelt

  • 15 years ago

    by Mrs6Squarepants

    Great .
    i get so much out of it .
    so much emotion .
    keep writing . !

  • 9 years ago

    by Jamparnell

    This is how I know you are not me.
    Sorry again for the comments.