Comments : Perfect Suicide.

  • 18 years ago

    by Vegetable

    I really like this poem as a whole, but I have some suggestions. In the 2nd stanza, the simile you used could be better, it's predictable and disrupts the flow. I think you made a spelling error, instead of through you said "thur". It's very original, how you started out describing the suicides, which made me think this was going to be another depressing poem, but then turned it around. Good work

  • 18 years ago

    by Wip lost the Rhythm

    I like it !! you kinda helped me get the idea for my new suicide poem and its really loooonng SUCK ON THAT lol jk your awsome i love you

  • 18 years ago

    by MudkipzPlx

    As Said before..Lovely Poem Megan.

    Love MKKA!