Comments : Water pollution, is it too late?

  • 18 years ago

    by Lu

    So true Steven ...
    What are we doing to our world ?
    I have a little story to tell ...

    I live about 2 minuits away from the Ottawa River in Canada and the water is just disgusting ...the chemicals and lets just say *waste* matter that is dumped into it is so sad to see...The fish are dying and coming out of the river with sores on their bodies .. It is so sad .
    Then we go to the cottage on a lake where there are no chemicals dumped into it by man (except for the acid rain ) and the fish are so clean and free of disease ....You see turtles and ducks swimming and it is beautiful ...
    But I wonder how long will it be before this beauty is also destroyed . It breaks my heart to think..
    Your poem really makes you think ... if only everbody could do that ...(think)
    A very meaningful piece , my friend
    You never disappoint me .