Comments : Todo por quererte

  • Oh my god...i love this poem and i know exactly what u mean...u r a wonderful writer and u know that...but mami where have u been lately?? u haven't been on 4 a while...well i wrote like 3 new poems...hope u'll check those out...well 5/5 4 this one..
    love always

  • Oh my god..y have u been depressed 4...just like last week u have been sooo happi and i was sooo happi 4 u ...mamita tell me whats been happening to you and hows things going ...

    i'm glad that u like my poem..i like urs too...lolz

  • Tell me about it...he is more mexican than any other mexicans out there...especially when he say "q ondas mi chava"...thats funny...i know what u mean and i just talked to marco yesterday and he told me that he is coming out tomorrow for a month before he has to go to court again and he wants me to go and c him...oh man...when i heard that voice on the phone...i just brok3 down...i am very much aware that i still love him...but i hate the feeling that i get when he ain't with me...its like my heart is missing like i can't breathe...and its truly a scary feeling..but i have to deal with it...i have to forget about everything that relates to him...all the nights that we spent together all the stuff we did all the plans that we made 4 the future...cuz i have all his pics on here and i look at them everyday...thinkin of the past...a tear is runnin down mi face...and he ain't here to wipe it off...i dont' want to love him...i don't he's such a thug and i just happend to fall in love with just had to get all of that out...and miguel is the sweetest guy i have ever met in my whole life...i mean he does things differently... he doesnt tell me he loves me like every second of every day...he shows me by just the little things that he does...thats what i love about him...and if i had to choose between them...and i had both of them in my face i wouldn't know what to do...i'd just turn around and walk away and i am 100% sure that marco wont do nothin...but miguel will come after me and he'll say something like"if u want to be with him just tell me and i'll leave u alone...just know that i'll always love u...and i know that u'll always love me"...alll he has to do is look in my eyez...but yeah...
    i don't have any aim or msn...i only have yahoo u have that?

  • 18 years ago

    by yaRis


    "Pero me trago ese bochorno
    Y ante la gente te niego
    Como se me parte el alma
    No poder admitir que te quiero"