Comments : Garrett

  • 18 years ago

    by End Of Eternity

    Hi There!!
    I honestly hv given this one "4", though i liked the poem but then in between it lost the flow.
    While u r writing a poem, the feelings u r going thro and the way u r reading it after writing is totally different from how readers will feel and read...& thats where it makes the difference...i think i made sense.

    well overall it was very unique....& i sincerely loved this part

    i told myself i hated him,
    but i beat him up just to touch him,
    i yelled at him just to hear his voice...
    i threw any chances we had together away,
    and i didnt think i cared,
    but i do...
    and ill say these words to you,
    if its the last thing i do...
    "garrett, I love You"

    take care and all the best forever

  • 18 years ago

    by Tiffani

    You know i say that all the time!!! lol no lie. thats why i read all my poems like 1000 different ways over and over. lol. well thank u verry much for commenting!!

    MucH LovE TffanI

  • 18 years ago

    by SoRrOwFuL Claire

    I love the poem its so passionate! i wish i had a love like that for someone one thing: some bits dont flow too well but its expressing how you feel so it really doesnt matter but keep goin I LOVED IT!!!!!!!

  • 18 years ago

    by Tiffani

    Thank you!