Comments : You Can't Make Me Talk

  • 18 years ago

    by Daniel J

    Cute. Cute last line.

    Thanks for commenting on my poem: it's nice to see you still comment after such a long time.

    Keep up the work. I intend to sift through all the poems I missed, that you've written, once I set foot on Blighty (England).

  • 18 years ago

    by Holli

    I like this poem! It is wonderful. Exactly how I feel as well. I read your other poems as well and they are great. I am looking forward to your next one!!


  • 18 years ago

    by NannO

    I dunno y that made me smile.. not that im hard-hearted or anything.. but i just think the exact same way.. i can reli relate to this poem... especially the last stanza.. it was lyk u wer talking about me.. once agen ur rhyme was gr8 and the flow was too.. ur just an awesome writer.. with ur poems, i just hit home.. i mean, i can see myself clearly thru ur writing.. im sure lots of other people feel the same way.. u talk about everyday situations with ur own personal twist.. gr8 job once agen
    and u say ur not that gud..
    cmon, ur amazing!!
    keep up the talent
    take care

  • 18 years ago

    by Daniel J

    Ha. I forgot I commented on this poem before. Well, My first line was going to be "what a cute poem."

    I suppose I haven't changed much since a few weeks ago.

  • 18 years ago

    by Jessica

    Aww! datz so sweet!! :)) i rilly lik it..