Comments : Should I..??

  • 18 years ago

    by toni rossetti

    If this is real you aready know the answer, he will treat you the way you let him, a user ,abuser why not he gets a way with it you are living in a cage with out bars, he'll keep you there as long as you'll let him, people don't really change when they are disrespectfull
    they don't respect them selves, the longer you live it the longer it;s inbreaded in your soul, if you don't think you deserve better, or your afraid your stuck, the baby might of helped you to do better for her, the power of a mothers love can fight all eviel and will go to the end of the earth to protect them, you need to love yourself as you do the love of your child in heaven, don't bring a child into hell they will wounder why you didn't love them enought to give them a happy home.

  • 18 years ago

    by Kelsey

    Think about it, you got abused and treated like shit, and no i dont think a 15 year old needs it, im 15 now and goin though a hard time,. i was in love with a 19 yr old man. we were together for 7 moths and he treated me like a princess but one day out of the blue he moved away and left me behind. but me knowing he had someone else tore my heart apart, from a 15yr.old to another dont bother going for a 20 yr.old who killed you baby girl! he did that to you,. and im pretty sure you dont want him to do it again, and the only reason he treated you like he did was becuase you let him! well i hope you do whats best for you and what you think is right! im not saying dont go for him, but what i am saying is dont let him control you again, dont let him get to you like he did... i know how it feels to love someone so much other then you! and yes when you loose then it effinghurts soo much!
    but do what u think is rite!! good luck


  • 18 years ago

    by Raquel

    Thank u really helps..

  • 18 years ago

    by Raquel

    Please comment...thanks

  • 18 years ago

    by amandaa

    You had a baby. at age 13.

  • 18 years ago

    by amandaa

    Sorry...that was rude. I suppose I'm taken aback. Wow, that was tactless.
    I think you're worth so much more then you know or feel. I think people like him make you think that what he's giving you is what you deserve. And it's not. It's so not. You are way too good for that much pain from that much of an ass, really. reallyreallyreally.

    Don't lose the beauty. Your writing and your poem Frame of Beauty shows so, so much of it. You can do it, you can find the strength to say no.

  • 18 years ago

    by Raquel

    Well, should i fell bad if i say i love him, and i do want to be with him, but i dont want to be wih him if he is the same as before....but im not sure if i should move on....but yea i had a baby when i was 13, i kno i was mad young, but i learned alot, and im happy i learned alot, but im upset, that my daughter passes away..