Comments : Trust

  • 18 years ago

    by Pure Silence

    Turst is a funny little word, and a hard one to use. I don't know why you wrote this hunny, but it came at a good time. if you know about last night I'm sorry... I do trust you word and your word alone.

    Poem wise: very inquizative, and very dark. it pushes the reader to think about the theme and its meaning, not many poems can do this. Well done. the repitition is well placed.

    Again I'm probably jumping to conclusions but I don't really care, I love you Mike with all my heart. I do trust you.


  • 18 years ago

    by Torn

    Amazing poem..not only did the repetition of that stanza have dramatic effect (got it right:P) but the topic was simple yet so confusing.
    You delvged (sp?) into an area of trust that is often ignored.
    So well done.
    In the end trust is often over-used and often broken. But that's life right?

    Much love