Comments : Black Broken Wings

  • 18 years ago

    by Stephy

    Simply beautiful.
    i don,t know if you're really going through that..god I hope not...if so stay strong...
    I don't know what to say about your poem other than amazing.
    Great job!

  • Wow, I liked it... Although, In future poems it helps alot if you divide the poem into parts, for example:

    She walked through the graveyard cold and dull
    Her Black Broken Wings, a broken soul

    Her feet hit the ground with heavy steps
    Cold green eyes; raven hair always a mess
    Blinded by the sorrow and pain
    Her mother and father gone; she felt insane

    Knowing sadly they'll never come back
    She fell at their grave with a low smack
    Not a tear slid from her forest green eyes
    She wished the rest of the world would just die

  • Oh and by the way, Check out my poems if ya get a chance :)