Comments : I think of you, The one for who my love is so true

  • 18 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Wow!! Thats deep...Great writing!! Oh and thnx for the comment!!

  • 18 years ago

    by myshiningstar14

    I lvoe how you mixed being funni towards the beginning with being serious and a REAL MAN "holds his gurl around his boys to show that shes jsut not another toy."

    And its good ot know that ur one of those guys that not wit ur gurl jsut ot frick no seriously thats awesome..i tell my bf and iu'll tell you there should be more men like you with her. :)


  • 18 years ago

    by Sorefromreality

    U hav amazing skill and an even bigger heart than most people i kno...not just guys...people..she is so fortunate to hav u...kinda funny how we r communicating like would be o much easier...but this way i get to read a poem and talk to u..i win either way! thx for ur support and im hoping to find a guy that will treat me working on it....hmmmmmm.....
    love ya lots,

  • 18 years ago

    by lost_laureate

    You have style my man...I love the slang and down- to-earth manner you right in class. Orginal- maybe a tip would be to watch the syllable count in places because it can tip the rhyme off balance...5/5

    [lostlaureate - come find me]