Comments : Does it matter...that im bi?

  • 18 years ago

    by Stephy

    you know I don't think it matters. At all. One of my best friends is and people don't mind a bit. Don't take your life over many people are like you....and the people that really love you for you won't mind....(the people wo matter don't mind and the ones that mind don't matter)
    Anyway this is turning into a long comment and I don't know you but I felt the need to tell you that it doesn't matter,
    take care -xxxxx-
    p.s. good poem though!

  • 16 years ago

    by Israfel

    It's really horrible that people can't just accept that. I'm lucky in the sense that a lot of people in my school are bi, so it's a bit more accepted. My friends are fine with me being bi, and a few of them are themselves. There's nothing wrong with it, and don't listen to the people who say there is.