Comments : Not your Ordinary Rose

  • 18 years ago

    by Kenshin

    To be betrayed by your best friend is something unbearable but believable, something to give an advice to your friend, it's a rarity to find a true friend, yes, you'll meet many friends on your road, some will pull you up and some will break your heart, but in the end, waht truly matters to ones heart is the one you'll spend the rest of your lie with. weather that'll be your true friend, who'll hurt you just to make you wake up before you fall and one who will always be there for you.. that is true friendship, and if her best friend broke her heart in two, then she's not a friend and your friend should move on... great dedication Chelsey, I'll defintely be reading more of your poems.

  • 18 years ago

    by BlueDreams

    Absolutely beautiful penned, flow well with beautiful're just great, you know that. have a great day, keep smiling, take care.


  • 18 years ago

    by Simon Hayes

    Superb dedication... Wonderfully written with plenty of compliment. I like this one :) So warm and loving.

  • 18 years ago

    by Eibutsina

    This is precious what a special way to let Britt know how loved and appreciated she is as a person and as a friend...Chelsey you are truly a glowing light in a world of darkness like myself Britt is lucky to have you in her corner...Im sure she loved this just as much and if not more than I did :o)