Comments : Looking Forward

  • 17 years ago

    by Melissa S. Masucci

    A couple thoughts... break up the long thing of text into a few stanzas. It's easier on the eyes and not as daunting to a potential reader to see stanzas - kind of like paragraphs instead of just a full page of text. Also, keep checking your grammar. There are a couple places that need apostrophes. Otherwise, it's very good and heartfelt.

  • 17 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    "Love me like you did."
    should be 'loved' since the sentence started in the past tense.
    "When you liked to me"
    lied? instead of liked?
    "But why do I want you back
    When you liked to me
    About wanting me back"
    I didn't like how both of those lines ended in 'back'
    "All i wasnt is a second chance"
    'want' instead of 'wasn't'
    I liked the poem, but I thought certain stanzas were repetitive and unnecessary, and probably just present because of the overflowing emotion present. Still a good poem though.

  • 17 years ago

    by Natalie

    I liked the last three stanza's alot! This poem was good. The flow wasn't too bad. But the emotions you expressed were very strong and bold. Great job once again. 5/5

    `Taleee. xx.