Comments : Silver Nights

  • 17 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    I know 'silver' is your title and a major theme as far as the imagery goes, but is there any way to get around using the word so much? I felt like it was used in so many places (and if different parts of the sentences) and that took away from some of the imagery. 'Mercury' is a cool word that evokes a silver image, mirrors are silver... um... steel is silver... yeah I dunno. I'd still give it a shot.
    "Revealing where lie the silver key"
    'lies' not 'lie'
    I really liked the rhyming and the descriptive language you used throughout the poem. My only critique was listed above.

  • 17 years ago

    by Wasted Fake Smiles

    Wowie cabootles! lol gr8 work! amazing...yet again. u have a gr8 gift keep it up!