Comments : Uncool vs. Cool

  • 17 years ago

    by Lovely Bones

    "Why can't we just try to except each other?"
    ^ except should 'accept'
    I'd also try putting some punctuation like commas, colon, semi-colons, periods, etc. at the end of the sentences so that they don't all run into each other, but thats just my opinion =)


    I think this poem has a very good message and I agree. I often think about this as well.. "why is it like that?" It's so weird and pointless... But I like this poem. Great job!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Jordan

    Good message, why can't the world just function without any problems?
    Maybe the theme even stretches beyond the setting of just a school? We all do bad things whether we mean to or not...humans just can't seem to coincide in peace. Oh, bother....

    I'm not going to point anything out, but there are a few grammatical errors in your poem that you should look into correcting, just for neatness' sake.

    good job!