Comments : Don't Cry

  • 17 years ago

    by Bluey!

    As lame as it sounds, time actually heals, been in that situation myself, thank you so much for that explanation at the end, not only does it make the poem more special, it shows how much you love and care for your friend.

    Dont change, you're amazing

  • 17 years ago

    by Arcane Blondie

    Really touching poem---- And I also like the explanation at the end, it did really add a lot to the poem and made it more powerful. You have a lot of talent! 5/5 Hope everything works out ok with your friend....Im sure it means a lot to him that you are there in his time of need---

  • 17 years ago

    by Serenical Darkness

    Hell yeah thats a very good poem awesome job

  • 17 years ago

    by Avrii Monrielle

    Aww how sweet:) but how do u expect him to quit if u wont quit urself? u gotta show ur support..