Comments : I wouldn't be me

  • 17 years ago

    by Jacklyn

    Well i like how you ended it you have a good message within this poem and many people need to learn and understand that message.

    just a friendly suggestion, so please don't get angry. but what would make this poem perhaps even stronger and better is to not repeat words so many times, like "I Wish" this isn't something i learned until a long time after i started writing, but once i learned it my poetry got so much better and i believe this poem and your other poems could do the same.

    "Sometimes I wish my life was different:
    that nobody today was mean
    at school i am considered popular
    having friends who were always there"

    it can end up something like that, you state that you wished something in the first line so you don't have to restate it everytime. this will probably give better flow to the reader as well.

    also another friendly tip, some lines a lot longer than others while some are really short, a poem can also read better if you make each line about the same langth, it can give it a better flow.

    just friendly suggestions to take into consideration, i don't mean to offend you if i did at all. just some things i wish i knew sooner when i was a beginner


  • 17 years ago

    by i L0vee y0u

    Thanks for the tips. I'll be sure to use them when i write other poems. =)