Comments : Dead-Deep-Inside

  • 17 years ago

    by RetroRavey

    Speakin the truth. Someone of that age should have better things to do! And you shouln't hate someone because their opinion is different then yours, if you do then you'll never have any friends... Another great poem Noni! Please keep on putting up your poems, so I can keep reading them! =)


  • 17 years ago

    by Wings Of Flames

    You poems arent immature!!!!!!
    that kid should be shot.
    anywho i probably wont be able to comment on all these straight away but yeah.
    its excellent

  • 17 years ago

    by Wings Of Flames

    Lol i just read this so you already know what i think.
    thanks for entering.

  • 17 years ago

    by Priest

    I read on the fourms what you said about this "Dead-Deep-Inside" Person and I read your poem now. It seem some people have nothing better to do then be total jerks to other people.
    It's happened to me many times, and will problly still do so. I most say I like your peoms. They may not be to some peoples likes but they are to mine. 5/5