Comments : The Listning ear.

  • You may not like this poem, but i wrote it for someone really important to me. I wrote this to let her know that it kills me inside to know that she is upset, it is only becoming more clear to me the more time i spend on this site. But I will always be there for her, no matter what, through thick and thin. She has no reason to be scared to come to me for advice. I will always be there to help her or just to give her a shoulder to cry on, I will be here to help. I will be strong. I love giving her advice and all the help I can.

    lots of love,
    lot and lots of love,
    a friend

  • 17 years ago

    by Thoughtless Consideration

    i wish...
    im sorry.
    thats a beautiful poem.
    i am tearing up.
    i don't know what to say.
    right now i am hoping, praying that
    this poem isn't about what i thought it was.
    im sorry.
    i lylas more than you'll ever know.
    you've always been there.
    again.. i'm sorry.
    maybe this poem isn't about what
    i thought it was... but...
    if it is i want you to know,
    that i never knew. i never understood.
    i'm sorry.
    your the best friend ever.
    your best friend.