Comments : Brand New Feeling

  • 17 years ago

    by Bethan

    U C I no u sed u didn't lyk dis poem dat muchbut I thought it was well written and the flow was perfect because the hwole way through you're getting into it purely because it has a natural rhythm which makes the last line such an unexpected twist, also I don't know why but I also found it funny When I read da last line!
    Ur ryt ppl may actually think ur gay but I no da truth at least, and u no da truth and I'm glad ur not 4 obv. reasons but also turnin ur b/f gay aint rly cool!! LOL
    Lots and Lots of Love
    Bethan xxxxxxxxxxx

  • 17 years ago

    by Kelc

    Wow this is really really good. all of your writings are extremely powerful. is this a true expierience? if you din't mind me asking!

    you are a wonderful person. thank you for commenting mine