Comments : I want to tell you how i feel!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by The Nameless Poet

    Even though you want him back and you cheated on him, i don't think he will come back. cause love can't be expressed threw words you gotta prove it. and to him i know how he's feeling, you let him down, i'm sure he hoped the same thing to, that you would be his one and only, but sometimes things just aren't meant to be, and we have to except that, i've learned that the hard way, and i think you are learning that too, we just have to keep our heads up and go threw with whatever losses we set ourselves up for. sorry for your loss, i know how you feel. just keep ya head up and handle it, things'll be aight , trust me. who knows when you start to realize that maybe he won't come back, thats when he will come back, thats how things work out sometimes you just gotta be ready for what ever happens. holla at ya bwoi