Comments : Silent Tears

  • 17 years ago

    by GrimRose

    I thought I might as well comment on this because of course it is my poem. It started out when I went into deep depression and I get on my moms bike while it was raining.I would think about everything that would go on in my life , my dog died of a disease before he was even 2 and then my dad moved. (This poem is dedicated to my Dog and my Dad) I was Never really there for them , so `silent tears` would go down my face stirring in with the rain. I was trying to forget everything. But now that Im out of Deppression I may every now and then cry my self to sleep. But its mostly my family that makes me cry.

  • 17 years ago

    by i love ben!!

    Awwh..i really liked the flow and the expression...but (towards the comment u made) its not your fault that your dog passed away or that your Dad was meant to be or it wouldnt have happend. maybe it happened to open up your eyes and see that maybe u werent there for them as much as you could have been...*shrugs* just a little advice...if u need to talk im here...
