Comments : Then and Now

  • 17 years ago

    by LingeringHope

    I really like how ur poem is short, yet it tells so much. i think this poem is universal and can adequately describe how so many people feel when their hearts are broken. really good writing.
    i only saw that there is a mistake in the line "Nothing more than than strands of brown"
    u see, the word 'than' is repeated.

  • 17 years ago

    by Kelsey

    Hey your poem is wonderful. thank you for the comment on my thing about shorty. i kno how you feel. it has been about a month for us too and i also still go to bed thinking about him. i also notice that i will lay down around 10 and then just think about him. then ill look at the clock and it will be almost one in the morning. i think its crazy that i feel this way still even after all the pain he has continued to put me through. i mean i tell him that i still love him and that i miss him alot but he doesent seem to care not one little bit. i even have a new boyfriend and i just feel bad because everytime i look at him i picture shortys face. and i feel horrible because he tells me he loves me and i say it back but im not really saying it to him. im picturing shorty and after i say it i realize what i just said and i feel relle bad. well i guess ill talk to you later. if you want to email me my email is.