Comments : Memories

  • 17 years ago

    by Goran Rahim

    Wow, another great job by you, i really liked this poem, you are great

  • 17 years ago

    by John (Mr. Whuppy)

    Letty im sure your a better person than you make out to be

    although to me your poem is not poetry but more a statement or maybe notes for a speech (I only say this because I dont understand your style of writing and thats only because im an old man and am ignorant when it comes to modern styles of poetry)
    You see I was educated here in England the old fashioned way and was taught and it was drummed into our brains that poetry should rhyme
    but that doesnt mean that the things you write are not good especially when you convey the message so well and with such feeling so well done on a terific heart rending piece of work


    PS I bet you think im strange lol

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    I like the story and i feel that it comes to ur heart,, but i dont like the way u write,,,maybe because this a new style so i truly appreciate it, honestly i like the message it was so great. job well done thanks